Linux Checklist

To be continued ...

  • KVM Virtualization server
  • Container
  • Virtual Machines
  • Linux Networking
    • Linux Firewalls

  • System Administration

    • Operating System

      • Distributions

        • Centos
        • Ubuntu
        • Etc..
      • Init systems

        • System5
        • SystemD
      • Proccesses

      • Permissions

      • Configurations

        • Dotfiles
      • Networking

        • "Were is the networking program? Actually an stack that is implemented by each vendor"
        • Routing
        • Switching
        • Subnetting
        • Vlans
        • DHCP
        • Firewalls
        • PROXIES
        • VPNs
        • NFTables (firewall)
        • Ipv4
        • Ipv6
      • Remote Access / Out of band management

        • Terminals
          • Native
          • Tmux
          • others...
        • SSH
          • Forwarding / Reverse Forwarding
      • Local Access

        • Users
        • Console
      • Text editors

        • Vim
      • File systems

        • Mountpoints
        • snapshots
      • RAID configurations

      • Shell Scripting

        • BASH
          • Basic Commands
          • Intermediate Commands
          • Advanced scripting
      • Backups

        • 3/2/1 methodology
      • RAID

        • raid 0
        • raid 10
    • Software

      • Installting Software
        • Source code, git etc
          • Makefiles
          • Compling from source
        • Archive files, Tar/zip ...
        • Package Managers, RPM/...
        • Repositories
        • Dependency managers, DNF/APT...
        • Cross platform package managers, Flatpack
      • Upgrading Software
      • Uninstalling Software
      • Backing up software
    • Server Types

      • File Servers
        • FTP
        • SFTP
        • WEBDAV
        • P2P torrents
        • NFS
        • SAMBA
      • Authentication (AAA)
        • ldap
    • Virtualization with KVM & Libvirt

      • VM lifeycle
    • Containers

      • Container Lifecycle
      • Persistance
      • Difference as compared to Virutal Machines
  • Devops / Site reability engineering (SRE)

    • Concepts
      • Pets vs cattle
      • Configuration Management
    • Tools
      • Ansible
      • Puppet
      • Chef
    • Programming Languages
      • BASH
      • AWK
      • Python
      • Javascript (nodejs)
  • Stacks

    • LAMP
    • MEAN
    • MERN
  • Development Patterns

    • MVC
    • JAMstack
    • XX
  • Advanced

    • Distributed Computing
    • High Avalability